The annual assembly of the ESCP Foundation took place on Wednesday 4th November 2015 on ESCP’s Paris campus, in the renovated Gélis amphitheatre. More than 130 donors, students, staff members and professors reunited with Frank Bournois, Dean of ESCP and Patrick Gounelle, President of ESCP Foundation.
Frank Bournois officially inaugurated the amphitheater by revealing the names of the Foundation’s donors engraved on the seats : more than 70 to date. Patrick Gounelle summed up the news and future prospects for ESCP Foundation in terms of projects and budget. Then, the president of the Foundation’s grants committee, François Kayat, had the pleasure to give the the Foundation scholarships to the students : 121 scholarships and mobility grants this year for a total amount of 1 200 000 euros.
To end the ceremony, Pr Philippe Gabillier, who teaches at ESCP, led a master class on the topic of boldness : his last book Eloge de l’audace has just been released.
A few pictures of the evening.